April 1, 2024 Word for Word Media

We learn the factual reasons behind why you need more than everyday nutrition when facing a cancer diagnosis and treatment.

Cancer infographic
This is why day-to-day management of your emotional and physical well-being is of utmost importance.2 Focusing on nutritional support will help your body during treatment.3 When you have cancer, your body’s requirements for nutrients increase, which highlights the importance of including a variety of foods from all food groups daily to assist you to get all the essential nutrients that your body needs.3 How to avoid malnutrition Adopt a balanced diet Include a…

May 31, 2023 Word for Word Media

Meagan Atcheson expands on diet and active colon cancer treatment.

You can listen to this article below, or by using your favourite podcast player at pod.link/oncologybuddies

When you are faced with a colorectal cancer diagnosis, nutrition can be an important part of your journey. Eating a well-balanced diet during and after cancer treatment can help you feel better, maintain strength, and speed your recovery. Treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery for colorectal cancer can often contribute to unintentional weight loss. It’s important to avoid excess weight loss during treatment as poor nutrition status can decrease the body’s ability to fight infection. Eat small, frequent meals…

July 29, 2022 Word for Word Media
Dietitian, Berna Harmse, educates us on nutritional status and the outcome of cancer, and offers tips for nausea. Being diagnosed with cancer is a devastating event, and most people living with cancer, experience the day they get the news as a life-changing moment. Even after working in the field of oncology nutrition for 18 years, seeing a newly diagnosed person is always a humbling experience. After the news has settled in, and treatment plans have been laid out, the day-to-day management of your emotional and physical well-being is of utmost importance. The effects of cancer and its treatment can…

August 2, 2021 Word for Word Media
Dietitian, Berna Harmse, shares a diet checklist to help prevent or slow down the development of heart disease. Cardiovascular disease is a combination of illnesses of the heart, blood and arteries. High cholesterol, arteriosclerosis (hardening of arteries), heart failure, heart attacks and strokes are part of this.   Cholesterol  Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is both made by the liver and absorbed from our diet. When there is an excess amount of cholesterol in the blood, small amounts can start to collect on the inner walls of the arteries. This causes the artery walls to harden and thicken, decreasing the…

March 29, 2021 Word for Word Media
Global meat consumption and cancer diagnoses are on the rise. Is there a correlation to red meat? Annica Rust examines this. Recent studies found an association between a high intake of red meat and/or processed meat products and cancer; especially colon, breast and prostate cancer.3 What does this mean? Do you have to give up red meat completely after being diagnosed with cancer? Animal foods, such as red meat, fish, poultry and dairy, are good sources of protein, but take into consideration that their fat content varies substantially. The intake of these products will contribute to your daily requirements of iron, zinc,…

February 4, 2021 Word for Word Media
We learn how nutritional support can help manage side effects during cancer treatment. A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event. As you navigate this challenging time, it may be reassuring to know that your reactions are natural but also to be informed that there are different ways to manage the emotional and physical impacts of your condition. Focusing on nutritional support will help your body during treatment. Treatment options for cancer may take a lot out of your body and the side effects can make this harder. These treatment options may cause you to lose your appetite and energy,…

September 30, 2019 Word for Word Media
Berna Harmse helps you get your kitchen and diet ready for the warmer months. Declutter – get rid of all the junk in your kitchen Processed sugary and fatty goods should be enjoyed sparingly. Here are items that must not be part of your weekly grocery shopping: Processed and refined carbohydrates Sugary sweets and cakes, biscuits or tarts Potato and maize-based chips Sugar-based sauces Crumbed frozen meat and fish products Pastries  Sugar-coated breakfast cereals Nuts that are roasted, salted, or sugar-coated Milk chocolates Cool drinks and cordials  The kitchen essentials Dairy Milk, and reduced-fat cheese (cottage cheese, feta, goats cheese and…

March 20, 2019 Word for Word Media
Berna Harmse, a dietitian, shares seven tips to eat right. International guidelines1 apply for those who want to reduce their  cancer risk and for cancer survivors.  So, eating well may help you reduce your risk of cancer and beat cancer in a variety of ways. If you have cancer, eating well can positively support treatment. This may help you live well for years to come after treatment. 1. Keep a healthy weight One in five people who die from cancer have an overweight or obese body mass index. But, exactly how weight affects cancer risk is unclear. Excess weight increases your risk by 50% for oesophageal adenocarcinoma. Weight in the belly area…

July 1, 2016 Word for Word Media

Many cancer survivors say that a loss of control was one of the most difficult aspects of dealing with cancer. Research shows that people who take steps towards goals generally feel better and advance than those who feel they have no control over their situation. Knowledge is critical in understanding and fighting cancer. Choosing the correct food that nourishes your body and boosts your health is the most important gift you can give yourself. Don’t fret, a healthy diet doesn’t mean bland and boring meals. You can learn the art of cooking delicious and healthy meals at the HealthyFood Studio….