April 1, 2024 Word for Word Media

Dr Leanne Prodehl, a surgical gastroenterologist, outlines when an ulcer is not an ulcer and may be stomach cancer.

You can listen to this article below, or by using your favourite podcast player at pod.link/oncologybuddies

Peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a benign condition where an imbalance in the production of stomach acid and the protective mechanisms of the stomach result in a break in the mucosa (lining) of the stomach or duodenum. Most ulcers heal completely but some cause complications. PUD is common with 5 – 10% of people having an ulcer in their lifetime globally. Typically, ulcers…

September 29, 2023 Word for Word Media

Dr Daleen Geldenhuys educates us on stomach cancer and explains why nutritional support is imperative.

You can listen to this article below, or by using your favourite podcast player at pod.link/oncologybuddies

What is stomach cancer? There are several cancers that can originate in the stomach. These include MALT lymphomas, neuroendocrine tumours, and adenocarcinomas, which will be focused on below.   Adenocarcinomas Adenocarcinomas can vary in position in the stomach. It can be a localised ulcer in any part of the stomach or a widespread infiltration in the lining of the stomach, not showing a superficial ulcer, resulting in a…

March 29, 2021 Word for Word Media
Dr Ria David sheds insight on gastric cancer, how it’s detected and the treatment options available. Gastric cancer stats and facts Gastric (stomach) cancer represented the 16th commonest cancer in women and the 11th commonest cancer in men, in 2017, according to the National Cancer Registry.  Most patients with gastric cancer have symptoms on presentation to their doctors. Despite advances in modern oncology, about half of these patients  will have disease that extends beyond the locoregional (limited to a local region) territory, and only approximately half of the patients who present with locoregional disease are curable by surgery.  Early-stage disease…

November 27, 2019 Word for Word Media
Lance Bainbridge tells us about the gifts that stomach cancer gave him and how he rediscovered his passion for surfing and playing guitar after he beat it. Lance Bainbridge (51) lives in Westville, KwaZulu-Natal with his wife, Jane, and their four children, Luke (20), Peter and Philip (17), and Rebecca (10). Not many people will associate cancer as a giving disease, yet Lance feels that his cancer has given him many gifts. He says, “My faith in God has always been a big part of my life since I first became a Christian as a teenager. However, when I…

February 5, 2019 Word for Word Media

Angelinah Matimolane tells us how an asthma attack ultimately led to the discovery of cervical cancer, then how that spread to her stomach, and how 13 years later she is still fighting fit. Angelinah (Angy) Matimolane (47) lives in Soweto with her husband, daughter and three grandchildren. Strong family history of cancer There is a strong family history of cancer in Angy’s family. One member passed away from cervical cancer while another member passed away from lung cancer. Angy’s brother passed away from stomach cancer, in 2016, and, currently her uncle is fighting lymphoma cancer.  January 2006 On the way back…