February 8, 2023 Word for Word Media

You can listen to this articles below, or by using your favourite podcast player at pod.link/oncologybuddies

Kathy Heapy explains what Body Stress Release is and the benefits of this non-invasive complementary therapy. What is Body Stress Release? Body Stress Release (BSR) is a unique, gentle and non-invasive health profession that originated in SA over 30 years ago. It’s a health practice that limits itself to its own area of expertise: locating and releasing of body stress. BSR isn’t involved in diagnosis or treatment of any medical conditions, thus doesn’t duplicate medical services. BSR has thus always enjoyed a co-operative relationship with medicine by…

November 29, 2022 Word for Word Media
Fiona Hardie explains why correct breath is a fundamental pillar of health. Completely underutilised, underrated and ignored, our breath is the one thing that keeps us alive. An untapped resource. Without it we die. Simple as that.  It’s important to understand how we breathe or are supposed to. Simply put, we breathe through our noses. On the inhale, air enters the nostrils, is warmed and travels through the trachea to arrive in the lungs. From there the oxygen is disseminated to the blood, organs, brain and all the cells to keep us functioning with optimal energy and efficiency. Our breath…

March 29, 2021 Word for Word Media
Veronica Tift expands on achieving deep relaxation through therapeutic reflexology as a natural intervention through endorphin release and therapeutic touch.  As I walk into a retirement village, there is a sombre feeling as the aged, and often times forgotten residence keep a curious eye on me. With my bag in hand, along with my creams and towels used in my treatment, these aren’t the most important tools I have. My client, a 73-year-old man, makes himself comfortable in his space with his feet up, ready to receive his reflexology treatment. The minute I place my hands on his feet, his whole posture changes, his…

November 27, 2019 Word for Word Media
Recently, blood disease patients receiving treatment at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, in KwaZulu-Natal, experienced virtual relaxation therapy. We hear about the positive effects. The Sunflower Fund proactively creates awareness and education about blood diseases as well as the process involved in becoming a stem cell donor. They remain a Registry of donors that is representative of the people groups in our rainbow nation, who are willing to help anyone for whom they might be a match. With the support of sponsors, like The Wend, who generously supplied the visual relaxation as gifts to the patients, together they could…

June 1, 2018 Word for Word Media
Needless to say cancer treatment is traumatic for the patient and their loved ones. So, it may be outlandish to tell them to laugh through it, but laughing can help. Laughter therapy  Doctors in America have begun to include laughter therapy to compliment traditional treatments for cancer. Many hospitals around the world are now embedding ways to promote laughter in their treatment regime. Patient visits to a hospital area where laughter therapy is conducted is promoted, while laughter clubs are found outside of medical facilities too.  Benefits of laughing A good belly laugh comes packed with numerous benefits. It…