This issue is male focused with the theme The Art of Authenticity. Isn’t that something? We have Rob Tilbury sharing The bunkers of head and neck cancer; I so enjoyed writing this story, it’s fascinating. Dr Mark Torres-Holmes gives insight in Rob’s difficulties in Swallowing in head and neck cancer. Then we see the great efforts of Yoren Chetty raising funds for Movember in Doing his part.

There is great eagerness for Count Me In – the first Patient-Led Cancer Registry. Please stand up and be counted and help Living with Cancer register 1 000 000 cancer warriors by World Cancer Day 2022.

Dr Lizle Oosthuizen educates male cancer patients on Safeguarding your sperm while Dr Ria David expands on The impact of COVID on delivery of oncology services. Registered dietitian, Annica Rust, settles the debate on Red meat- friend or for?

Hope this issue will reach more males and spread the hope and the need for authenticity. 

Laurelle Williams
[email protected]


Photos by Chantal Drummond Photography |

Location: Meyersdal Eco Estate, Gauteng.

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Yoren Chetty – Doing his part

We hear how Yoren Chetty made the most of his year off after a cancer diagnosis by furthering his studies and raising money for Movember. Yoren Chetty (40) lives in Fourways, Gauteng. Yoren, a certified financial planner professional, was residing in Shanghai, China in October 2019 due to a business opportunity, when he woke up in the [...]


Swallowing in head and neck cancer

Dr Mark Torres-Holmes expands on swallowing difficulties in head and neck cancer and when the use of feeding tubes is required. Swallowing (deglutition) is a complex sequence of events, that when it goes wrong can cause significant morbidity (suffering). Cancer in sites like the mouth, pharynx (throat) and larynx (voice box) can result in difficulty [...]

The bunkers of head and neck cancer

Professional golfer, Robert Tilbury, shares the many battles and ongoing victories head and neck cancer brought him. Robert Tilbury (52) lives in Kempton Park, Gauteng. He has two daughters, Melissa and Dominique, and a grandson, Milan. Diagnosis In 2014, a lump starting to form under Rob’s jawline. After a doctor’s visit, he was put on antibiotics as the GP [...]

Count Me In – first Patient-Led Cancer Registry

We learn more about the first Patient-Led Cancer Registry, what it aims to achieve and the driving force behind it. When Belinda Wagner was diagnosed with angiosarcoma, in 2016, she looked for information to help her navigate the challenges that lay ahead. “When I searched online, I found the South African National Cancer Registry (NCR). Although this was [...]

Deciphering malignant hyperthermia

Dr Michelle Casey, a specialist anaesthetist, explains the rare condition of malignant hyperthermia during anaesthesia and the precautions taken to avoid it. What is malignant hyperthermia (MH)? Malignant hyperthermia is a potentially life-threatening condition which can occur under general anaesthesia (state of unconsciousness induced by medication to facilitate surgery) in certain people who have a genetic disorder of their muscles.  It’s triggered [...]

Detecting gastric cancer

Dr Ria David sheds insight on gastric cancer, how it’s detected and the treatment options available. Gastric cancer stats and facts Gastric (stomach) cancer represented the 16th commonest cancer in women and the 11th commonest cancer in men, in 2017, according to the National Cancer Registry.  Most patients with gastric cancer have symptoms on presentation [...]

Helping children cope with grief

It’s a common misconception that children are too young to understand death and so they aren’t included in the grieving process. Unfortunately, in doing so, children aren’t given the opportunity to work through their own grief. How to help children Children will need to be given information that is appropriate for their age and emotional development. [...]

Red meat – friend or foe?

Global meat consumption and cancer diagnoses are on the rise. Is there a correlation to red meat? Annica Rust examines this. Recent studies found an association between a high intake of red meat and/or processed meat products and cancer; especially colon, breast and prostate cancer.3 What does this mean? Do you have to give up red meat [...]

Safeguarding your sperm

Dr Lizle Oosthuizen expands on the current options of safeguarding sperm before testicular cancer treatment and answers beneficial questions. All treatment (surgery, chemotherapy and radiation) can affect the ability of the testicle to produce sperm in the future. The options for sperm preservation depend on factors, such as age and current state of health, but time [...]

The benefits of deep relaxation

Veronica Tift expands on achieving deep relaxation through therapeutic reflexology as a natural intervention through endorphin release and therapeutic touch.  As I walk into a retirement village, there is a sombre feeling as the aged, and often times forgotten residence keep a curious eye on me. With my bag in hand, along with my creams and towels [...]

The impact of COVID on delivery of oncology services

Medical oncologist, Dr Ria David, updates us on how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the delivery of oncology services. The World Health Organisation declared the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020. Since then, mankind has witnessed sickness and death of a magnitude not seen since the Spanish Flu of 1918.  South Africa has experienced two waves of infection so [...]

The role of the immunologist in oncology

Liezl Heyman tells us how the immunologist helps in the fight against cancer. As a cancer patient, you are very aware of the war you are waging on your cancer under the firm leadership of the general (oncologist) and his/her trusted lieutenants (surgeon, radiologist, histologist and pharmaceutical company) along with troops, such as chemotherapy nurses, pharmacists and [...]

We learn how nutritional support can help manage side effects during cancer treatment.

nutritional support

Word For Word Media are the publishers of Oncology Buddies, Buddies For Life and the 2021 BIG C SURVIVOR’S GUIDE – your annual comprehensive directory of all the information that you, the patient and/or family, seek out. It is the only of its kind in South Africa.

Your A-Z of oncology - an annual comprehensive directory.

cover 2021 BIG C

The lifestyle publication for breast cancer survivors.

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