December 1, 2023 Word for Word Media

Cancer can affect workplace productivity, morale and finances of both the individual and company, so knowing how to navigate this journey is important for both parties.

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A recent Lancet Medical Journal finding, that SA can expect to see a 78% increase in cancer cases by 2030 means that it’s likely that cancer will affect most companies at some point in time.1,2 A diagnosis can affect productivity, morale, and a company’s bottom line.2 Knowing how to navigate work-related issues, such as informing your…

December 1, 2023 Word for Word Media

Ian Veary, a social worker, details why advocacy within a multi-disciplinary team for employed cancer patients is imperative.

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Cancer is a medical condition that affects all of human kind and doesn’t consider race, religion or socio-economic position. The effect of cancer on people living with this medical condition goes beyond physical and psychological distress.1 The legal framework in SA allows for employed cancer patients to be dismissed on the grounds of incapacity. Being a contract worker may make you more vulnerable to…