March 28, 2022 Word for Word Media
Integrated School Health Programme Manager, National Department of Health, Feni Motshwane, details the success of the HPV school-based vaccine campaign thus far. When did the HPV school-based vaccine campaign start? The human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination campaign was introduced in SA, in March 2014, in the public health sector.  This school-based vaccination campaign was launched by the Minister of Health, Dr Aaron Motswaledi, and Deputy Minister, Dr Gwen Ramokgopa, in Bloemfontein, Free State. Why was it started? The intended long-term strategic goal of the HPV school-based vaccine campaign is to reduce the risk of cervical cancer in future women, which is a high national priority. …

April 2, 2020 Word for Word Media
We get all your frequently asked questions regarding the flu vaccine answered by Abbott Laboratories. Flu vaccine Seasonal changes are upon us, and so is flu season. Now, more than ever we should protect ourselves and our families against flu. What is flu? Flu is easily confused with a cold. Flu is a viral infection that causes serious respiratory tract infections. The symptoms are like cold symptoms, except that the onset is very sudden. One morning you may be well, and that afternoon you’re running a high fever and feel really ill3. How is it spread? Via droplets when…

May 30, 2019 Word for Word Media
Dr Jason Naicker tells us why the inactivated flu vaccine is best for most cancer patients. The flu vs. a common cold Influenza (flu) and the common cold are both respiratory illnesses. But they are caused by different viruses. Yet have similar symptoms.  In general, flu is worse and symptoms are more intense. People with colds are more likely to have a runny or stuffy nose. And, colds generally don’t result in serious health problems, such as pneumonia or hospitalisations. Influenza According to the South African National Department of Health, influenza kills between 6 000 – 11 000 South Africans…