July 29, 2022 Word for Word Media
Dietitian, Berna Harmse, educates us on nutritional status and the outcome of cancer, and offers tips for nausea. Being diagnosed with cancer is a devastating event, and most people living with cancer, experience the day they get the news as a life-changing moment. Even after working in the field of oncology nutrition for 18 years, seeing a newly diagnosed person is always a humbling experience. After the news has settled in, and treatment plans have been laid out, the day-to-day management of your emotional and physical well-being is of utmost importance. The effects of cancer and its treatment can…

September 30, 2019 Word for Word Media
We hear how a balanced diet can assist you through your cancer treatment by helping you regain your strength. A cancer diagnosis is a life-changing event. As you navigate this challenging time, it may be reassuring to know that your reactions are natural but also to recognise that there are different ways to manage the emotional and physical impacts of your condition. Treatment options for cancer may take a lot out of your body and the side effects of treatments can make this harder. These treatment options may cause you to lose your appetite and energy, which could put…