December 1, 2023 Word for Word Media

Sandra Bollen-Hughes explains that exercise is the secret to the great reboot and will ultimately help with fatigue.

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It has always mystified me that when a technological item gives trouble, that sometimes the simple act of turning it off and turning it back on again can rectify a whole range of annoying malfunctions. I know I’m giving you all a quick glimpse into the foggy recesses of my brain where I try to process how computers actually work, but this one always…

March 24, 2022 Word for Word Media
What does fitness mean to you? Biokineticist, Wendy Vermaak, explains the 12 principles of fitness to help you measure your fitness. There are many examples of what we would deem as fit and we often measure ourselves against that standard.  If you are fighting a cancer diagnosis, undergoing treatment or recovering from treatment, your view of fitness might be more relevant to you at your current state as a person, as opposed to comparative to some elite athlete.  Let’s compare different examples of fitness. For instance, would you say that a Comrades Marathon runner is fit? What about Arnold Schwarzenegger as a professional body builder?…

September 30, 2020 Word for Word Media
Physical activity as cancer prevention Dr Jacolene Kroff educates us on the underlying mechanism of how physical activity prevents cancer. The 2018 Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee stated there is strong evidence that physical activity lowers the risk of colon-, breast-, kidney-, endometrium-, bladder-, stomach and oesophageal cancers.3  To understand the underlying mechanism of how physical activity prevents cancer, you need to know how cancer comes about. In all cells, the genetic make-up will determine how that cell will grow, develop and function within the body.  However, in certain cases something can go wrong with the programming of the cell responsible for…