February 7, 2024 Word for Word Media

Tegan Bilse, oncology pharmacist at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital, shares what a regular work week entails.

You can listen to this article below, or by using your favourite podcast player at pod.link/oncologybuddies

It’s another day at a public hospital in SA. I dodge crowds of patients on my way in from the entrance, fetching keys for my unit, and eventually heading to my department. I must avoid both the injured in their wheelchairs and the oblivious on their phones or headsets; weave my way through some ambulances, and eventually make it. Every day of the week has…

December 2, 2021 Word for Word Media
Avril de Beer tells us more about stem cell transplants and the role of the social worker in a stem cell transplant unit. What does a stem cell transplant involve? Stem cell transplantation is a complex procedure that involves the transfer of stem cells harvested either from the patient (autologous) or a matched donor (allogeneic). The process can last several weeks and involves a prolonged period of isolation in hospital.  Stem cell transplants are indicated for patients with acute leukaemia (with high-risk cytogenetic markers); multiple myeloma; certain malignant blood disorders, such as myelodysplastic syndrome; and bone marrow failure syndromes….

March 29, 2021 Word for Word Media
Liezl Heyman tells us how the immunologist helps in the fight against cancer. As a cancer patient, you are very aware of the war you are waging on your cancer under the firm leadership of the general (oncologist) and his/her trusted lieutenants (surgeon, radiologist, histologist and pharmaceutical company) along with troops, such as chemotherapy nurses, pharmacists and admin staff. Did we forget someone? What about the immunologist? Of course, you’ve never heard of him/her, however, the immunologist plays an imperative role in your fight against cancer. Enter the tumour microenvironment A place hidden from everyone. Where one day, for one or more reasons, one…

February 5, 2021 Word for Word Media
Pierre Matthee informs us of how social work in healthcare operates and the role of a social worker in a colorectal unit. Social work in healthcare Several myths exist in the field of social work. One is that social workers only work with abuse, the removal of children from their homes, and/or handing out food parcels. It may be surprising to know that there are numerous areas that one can specialise within the field of social work, such as the specialty of social work in healthcare. Like many of the areas of specialty, the South African government is formalising it…

February 3, 2020 Word for Word Media
René Botha helps us understand the integral role a radiotherapist plays in radiation therapy. Radiotherapy, when prescribed and delivered correctly, can help treat a wide variety of cancers. When a patient is prescribed radiotherapy, it takes a team of professionals working together to deliver this treatment safely and effectively. You may not meet all the members of the team, but they all play an essential role in the planning and delivery of your treatment.  This team includes your radiation or clinical oncologist, the radiotherapists and the medical physicists. Once you have met with your oncologist and he/she has prescribed radiation,…

February 5, 2019 Word for Word Media

In 1933, Janet Vaughan, said, “Haematology has advanced more rapidly in the last 10 years more than any branch of medicine. Current haematological literature is so prolific that it is increasing difficult for anyone but a specialist to keep up to date7.” In 2019, this is even more so. Haematology is the study of blood in health and disease. It includes diseases of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets, blood vessels, the bone marrow, lymph nodes, the spleen and the proteins involved in bleeding and clotting.  There are many different haematological diseases. These are broadly divided into malignant (cancerous) diseases…

July 27, 2018 Word for Word Media
This Women’s Month we give women behind the masks – female oncology pharmacists – the applause they deserve. Who is she? The environment appears cold, morbid and sterile. She is cloaked behind a glass screen whilst meticulously manipulating syringes and other instruments to achieve accuracy and sterility for her patient’s life altering medication.  She is driven by many things: an unwavering emotional desire to be part of the patient’s cancer journey and her need to contribute to society in a meaningful way. She is also cognizant of the profession she represents and her role in inspiring others to join and add…

December 11, 2015 Laurelle Williams

When I was diagnosed with testicular cancer I decided to tell my students (11 to 15 years old) because they will find out anyway as soon as the side effects of chemotherapy will kick in. And I didn’t want rumours or speculations spread in the school community. I met a 12-year-old boy in the cancer clinic who had testicular cancer. “I decided there and then that I would educate the pupils about cancer when the opportunity arose. I had to brief them and warn them, because all my pupils were around this age. It was the week since I started…

December 11, 2015 Laurelle Williams

Introducing a South African research/advocacy initiative to document challenges of having cancer from the perspective of those who have 1st hand experiences. Too often the healthcare system relies on survey, academic material and theoretical models to develop ‘best practise’ guidelines and protocols. While it makes sense that if one needs to know what cancer patients struggle with or need, that the obvious thing would be to just ask them directly. Gathering personal versions of stories from patients about their experiences and problems creates a complex methodological challenge when trying to analyse and present this information in a reliable and valid…