OB Bookcase

Son en suurlemoene

March 23, 2023 Word for Word Media 0Comment

About the book 

Eight years ago, during a period Dr Frances le Roux thought everything was under control, she suddenly had to face a diagnosis of breast cancer.

It was a dramatic change in her life as a physiotherapist running a busy private practice. She suddenly had to face a mastectomy and chemotherapy. During her two-year journey, she, however, discovered inner resources, resilience, courage, faith, thankfulness, and the value of sincere relationships.

For 30 years she has researched the value of music as medicine, and  also completed a Master’s degree on The effect of Music on Pain, and a PhD on The Effect of Music on the Immune Systems and Emotions during Infected Lung Conditions. She has written several articles on this subject.

On her cancer journey, she used music as medicine during chemotherapy sessions and rediscovered the functional status of music to act as an auditory blanket of hope. Son en suurlemoene is a book on how to survive difficult challenges in life.

About the author

Dr Frances le Roux is a writer, researcher, and physiotherapist.  She received her PhD in 2005 on The effect of music on the immune systems, emotions and lung function during physiotherapy treatment. She is an honorary member of the International Music  and Medicine Society. She has written several  articles in the Natural Medicine Journal, and published a book Music as Natural Medicine. She currently also does motivational talks for clubs and retirement  villages. www.fhleroux.co.za

Publisher: Turksvy Publikasies

Available from selective bookstores in Afrikaans only, or order directly from: [email protected] (R260 + postage).