Welcome to the fourth edition of the annual Big C Survivor’s Guide.

COVID-19 has changed the way of the world for many people. Lives have been affected and we will probably never quite be the same.
Publishing turmoil has caused 80 media companies to close down during 2020.
We are extremely fortunate and proud to have survived 2020 and we continue to thank our advertisers for their support. Medipost, we salute you too for your continued loyal support in reaching all our destination distribution points.
The WFWM team has worked tirelessly to ensure the information in this guide helps you and your family find solutions and answers.
We appreciate those survivors who share their intimate stories, challenges and hardships, as well as their hopes, dreams, solutions and bucket lists, with us. You inspire all. You are the heroes. #strongertogether  #spreadthehope

Wishing you and your families a healthy good New Year!

The Publisher
Karen Joseph
Word for Word Media



Purple Ribbon BIG C SURVIVOR GUIDE copy