Cancer Care

The role of adjuvant chemotherapy

July 31, 2024 Word for Word Media 0Comment

Dr Karisha Quarrie, Life Healthcare’s Head of Clinical Directorate, explains the significance of adjuvant chemotherapy, a post-surgery therapy, in safeguarding against cancer recurrence and enhancing survival rates.

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Adjuvant chemotherapy, also known as preventative chemotherapy, stands as a vital component in the comprehensive treatment of cancer. This includes the administration of chemotherapeutic agents after the primary treatment, typically surgery, to eliminate any remaining cancer cells and reduce the risk of recurrence. 

Dr Quarrie clarifies that the term preventative chemotherapy is colloquially used to describe adjuvant chemotherapy, highlighting its role in preventing cancer recurrence following primary treatment. Adjuvant chemotherapy serves a key role in cancer care by targeting residual cancer cells that may linger after primary treatment, typically surgery. 

Dr Quarrie emphasises that these residual cells, though often undetectable through clinical means, pose a significant risk for cancer recurrence. Administering adjuvant chemotherapy helps eliminate these cells, thereby reducing the likelihood of cancer returning.

“The primary goal of adjuvant chemotherapy is to treat potential microscopic disease that may evade detection during initial treatment,” explains Dr Quarrie. “By eradicating these residual cancer cells, we aim to prevent recurrence and improve long-term outcomes for patients.”

When is adjuvant therapy needed?

The decision to pursue adjuvant therapy, whether it involves chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or hormonal therapy, depends on various factors. Dr Quarrie underscores the importance of considering the primary cancer diagnosis, stage, tumour characteristics, and patient-specific factors when determining the appropriate course of treatment.

The optimal approach to adjuvant therapy depends on the person’s diagnosis and specific cancer therapy needs. Dr Quarrie acknowledges that while some may benefit from the combined use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy, others may receive chemotherapy alone. 

“It’s essential to critically evaluate the evidence and consider the individual needs of each patient when determining the most appropriate treatment approach,” advises Dr Quarrie. “The goal is to achieve the best possible outcomes while minimising potential side effects and complications.”

Other adjuvant therapies

Dr Quarrie highlights that adjuvant therapy can encompass various modalities, including radiation and hormonal treatments, tailored to the specific characteristics of the cancer and the individual patient’s needs. 

“Adjuvant therapy must be tailored to each patient’s unique circumstances,” says Dr Quarrie. “Factors like tumour type, size, location, and biological features influence the choice of therapy and its potential effectiveness.”

Side effects of adjuvant chemotherapy

Chemotherapy, a key component of adjuvant treatment, can be administered orally or intravenously, with the specific regimen customised to suit individual patient needs. 

Dr Quarrie points out that while chemotherapy may entail side effects that could include but isn’t limited to fatigue, nausea, and hair loss, its benefits in reducing the risk of cancer recurrence are well-documented.

“Despite its side effects, adjuvant chemotherapy has been shown to significantly improve survival rates across various cancer types,” notes Dr Quarrie. “For many patients, the potential benefits outweigh the temporary discomfort associated with treatment.” 

Therefore, adjuvant chemotherapy plays a crucial role in the comprehensive management of cancer, offering significant benefits in reducing the risk of recurrence and improving long-term survival rates. As research advances and treatment strategies evolve, it’s imperative to individualise adjuvant therapy plans to optimise outcomes and enhance overall patient care.

“With its ability to target residual cancer cells and mitigate the risk of recurrence, adjuvant chemotherapy stands as a beacon of hope in the fight against cancer, offering renewed optimism for patients and caregivers alike,” concludes Dr Quarrie. 

Dr Karisha Quarrie

MEET THE EXPERT – Dr Karisha Quarrie

Dr Karisha Quarrie is a medical doctor and specialist forensic pathologist. She completed her undergraduate medical training at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and her post-graduate specialty training through The Colleges of Medicine of South Africa. She also holds a Master in Medicine degree from Stellenbosch University and a management qualification co-accredited by Yale University and The Foundation for Professional Development. 

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This article is sponsored by Life Healthcare in the interest of education, awareness and support. The content and opinions expressed are entirely the healthcare professional’s own work and not influenced by Life Healthcare in any way.

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